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Mass communication practical NIOS

 Mass communication practical NIOS

Mass communication practical nios
Mass communication practical nios is the process of exchanging and exchanging information through mass media, which takes place in large areas of the population. It is generally understood to relate to various forms of media, as these techniques are used for the dissemination of information, of which journalism and advertising are part. Mass communication practical nios persuades or otherwise affects the behavior, attitudes, opinions, or feelings of people receiving information.

Generally, the transmission of messages to multiple individuals at a time is called mass communication. But in a holistic sense, mass communication can be understood as a process of widespread dissemination of information across regions and around the world.

Through Mass communication practical nios, information can be transmitted quickly to many people who usually live far away from sources of information. Mass communication is practiced through many mediums, such as radio, television, social networking, hoarding, newspapers, magazines, film, and the Internet.

 Mass communication practical nios If you have a Master of Mass Communication (Masters) degree, then you have a good job opportunity in the Government Department of all world . Apart from this, there are also good opportunities for masters in psychology (specialty in child psychology) or child development subjects. These jobs have been issued by the Women and Child Development Department of all world . These include recruitment for the post of Program Manager and Program Officer in whole world State Child Protection Society under Integrated Child Protection Scheme.

 Mass communication practical nios The educational qualifications sought for the posts of Program Manager (Training, IEC & Advocacy), Program Officer (Training) and Program Officer (IEC & Advocacy) also include having a Master of Mass communication practical nios degree. Along with this, one year of experience and the study of Hindi till 10th is also included. The Program Officer (Chases in Need of Care and Protection) requires a Masters in Psychology (Specialization in Child Psychology) or Child Development subjects.
Applications for these posts can be made till 10 August.

The comments

There is a post of Program Manager (Training IEC & Advocacy), whose salary is kept at 35 thousand while for the three posts of Program Manager, the salary is kept at Rs 26,250 - Rs 26,250. Apart from this, there are one post each for Account Officer and Assistant cum Data Entry Operator.
In the social sciences, Mass communication practical nios is a subfield of communication studies.
Mass communication is usually associated with media studies.
The history of communication writes through prehistoric forms of art and modern communication methods such as the Internet. Mass communication began when humans could send messages from one source to multiple receivers. Modern communication, such as mass communication, has advanced beyond theories such as hypodermic needle models (or magic bullet theory) through modern theories such as communication.

Because advertising usually occurs in one form or another through mass media, such as television, studying the effects and methods of advertising is relevant to the study of mass media. Advertising is paid, impersonal, unilateral marketing of persuasive information from a sponsor. Advertisers have complete control over the message being sent to their audience.

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